Perform a database backup using a Custom Oracle RMAN Script

This guide outlines the process for performing a Backup using a Custom Oracle RMAN Script.

Login to Backup Manager

Login to Backup Manager utility and enter the prompted information:

$ backupmanager login
Enter Zmanda Pro URL: <>
Enter Username: your_username
Enter Password: ************

Configure Full Database Backup

Configure the following options to perform a Custom Oracle RMAN Script of an Oracle Database.

Step 1: Run Configure Command, and When prompted, enter the Device Name as registered on the server.

$ backupmanager rman configure
config data loaded successfully
Enter the Device Name (default: VSP-ZMD-US-DEN-VM-DEVL-1T-18598): VSP-ZMD-US-DEN-VM-DEVL-1T-1859

Step 2: Follow the steps to configure a protected item for a Full Database Backup using custom script.

  1. Select Add Protected Item

Select an action?
> Add Protected Item
  1. Enter the name of the Protected Item

Enter the Protected Item Name: prod-database

Step 3: Post Creation of a successful protected item, navigate to authentication and perform the following steps:

  1. Select Authentication from the menu items

Use the arrow keys to navigate:
> Authentication
Storage Information
  1. Add the Database Configuration as a part of the Authentication:

Oracle RMAN Configu ration
> Add Database Configuration
  1. Fill in the following information as prompted:

Database Name: ORCL
Database DBID: 15763899663
Database Username: sys
Database Password:
Database Host: VSP-ZMD-US-DEN-VM-DEVL-1T-18598
Database Port: 1521
Database Service Name: ORCL
Database Role: sysdbal

Step 4: Navigate to Scripts to add a custom script to perform a backup using a Custom RMAN Script.

  1. Select Add Script option:

Script Management
> Add Script
Select Script
  1. Enter a desired script name for the Custom RMAN Script, the following custom script will be used to perform a backup.

Each Oracle RMAN Protected Item configuration includes a default script with a pre-configured channel. This channel prompts for storage mapping information, ensuring proper data routing during backup operations for that default script.

Enter script name: <custom-script-name>
  1. Select the script type as Custom.

Select script type ?
> Custom
  1. Select the type of Backup the custom script will perform

Select backup type?
> Full Backup
Level 0 Incremental Backup
Level 1 Incremental Backup
Level 1 Cumulative Incremental
  1. Configure the number of channels that would be used in the custom script.

Enter number of channels (1-10): <number-of-channels>
  1. Enter the same channel identifier, staging path, staging type and storage mapping for each channel as specified in the custom script.

Enter identifier for channel 1: c1

Enter the staging path for channel 1: /mnt/oracte/staging

Select staging type for channel 1: ?
> local
Stage Storage mapping is the storage where we backup the oracle backup pieces from each channel's staging area.
Use the arrow keys to navigate: 
 StorageVault_Local b1f79a8d-f6bf-4956-8f72-f249354ad641
> SFTPStorageTemplate bde06ccO-a461-4958-a424-990a29437384
  1. Verify the channel configurations.

  1. Enter the script data

For Linux: Enter the script the data in the vi editor, save and exit.

For Windows: Enter the script the data in the notepad editor, save and exit.

Step 5: Configure Storage Vault information.

The storage vault you're setting up now will store your backup inventory. Remember to specify this same vault when initiating a restore operation later.

Select a destination
 StorageVault_Local b1f79a8d-f6bf-4956-8f72-f249354ad641
> SFTPStorageTemplate bde06ccO-a461-4958-a424-990a29437384

Step 6: Navigate to "Save" to save the configured options.

Do you want to save the configuration
> Yes

Step 7: Exit the backupmanager utility.

Thank you for using the Zmanda Pro Backup Manager!


Perform the following steps to perform a Custom Oracle RMAN Script of an Oracle Database.

1. Client-Triggered Backup

Follow these steps to perform a backup from the client machine:

Step 1: Initiate the Backup Command

On the client machine, execute the following command in the terminal which you have configured as part of backupmanager configuration:

backupmanager rman backup --pi-name <Protected Item Name> --script-name <Custom-Script Name>


backupmanager rman backup --pi-name oracle-prod-db --script-name custom-backup-script

Step 2: Monitor Backup Progress

Once the backup is initiated, you can monitor its progress directly in the terminal. Watch for any warnings or errors during the backup process.

Step 3: Check Backup Report

After the backup is complete, you can review the detailed backup report on the Zmanda Pro server web portal. This report will provide comprehensive information about the backup operation.

2. Server-Triggered Backup

Follow these steps to schedule and initiate a backup from the Zmanda Pro web portal:

Step 1: Log into Zmanda Pro Web Portal

Access the Zmanda Pro web portal using your credentials.

Step 2: Navigate to Backup Configurations

Click on the "Protected Item" section under settings to view all existing backup configurations.

Step 3: Backup

Step 3.1: Schedule a Backup

  1. Navigate to the protected item configured, and click on it.

  2. Go to the "Schedule" tab within the protected item configuration.

  1. Click on the backup rule named after the script you configured, then add or modify the schedule as needed. For more information about scheduling, please refer to the documentation here.

  1. Save the backup rule and protected item settings.

Step 3.2: On Demand Server Triggered Backup

  1. In the Zmanda Pro Server Web Portal, navigate to the Backup section.

  2. Under the Run Backup modal, click on the Scheduled tab and select the schedule you wish to run as an on-demand backup.

Step 4: Monitor Scheduled Backup Execution

Once a backup is scheduled, it will trigger automatically. You can monitor its progress in the job logs located in the History section of the Zmanda Web User Portal. Upon successful completion, the status of the Protected Item will display as "Success." Additionally, ensure that all associated autogenerated Protected Item job logs also show a successful status.

Step 5: Review Backup Report

After the backup is complete, you can access the detailed backup report for the Protected Item on the Zmanda Pro server web portal, by accessing job report for the Main Protected Item. This report will provide comprehensive information about the backup operation.

Last updated

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