Storage Manager Service Setup

Setting up your Zmanda Pro Storagemanager service


  • An instance of Self-hosted Zmanda Pro Server running.

  • Allow TCP Port 9001 on the host machine running the Zmanda Pro Storagemanager Service

NOTE: The Storagemanager service can be run on the same host as that of the Zmanda Pro Server, in case of which, the port does not have to be exposed over the network

The Zmanda Pro Storagemanger Service comes inbuilt with the Zmanda Pro Self-Hosted Deployment Setup Package.

Installing your Zmanda Pro Storagemanager Service

  1. Navigate to your Zmanda Pro Setup Directory where you can find, the Zmanda Pro Server Installer and run the following command.

./ install storagemanager
Zmanda Pro Storage Manager installation

Configuring your first Storage Template with Zmanda Pro Storagemanager

  1. Navigate to your Zmanda Pro Setup Directory and find the server.cfg file.

NOTE: The populates the RemoteStorage section in the server.cfg file with default values. You may edit the BasePath configuration to point to a specific mount point on your server

  1. Open the file and find the following configurations

  1. Configure the fields as follows [Manual Workflow]

  • Replace the RemoteStorage_CustomHeadersXApiToken.0 to the API token which you will find in the storage manager environment file under /var/lib/zmandapro/storagemanager/.env

  • Replace the RemoteStorage_CustomHeadersXBasePath.0 to location to the on your host which can server as your SFTP Base Path. All Storage Vaults will be created here

  • Replace the RemoteStorage_CustomHeadersXSftpServer.0 to the FQDN you configured during your Zmanda Pro Server Setup

  • (Optional) You may also replace the RemoteStorage_Description.0 to any desired meaningful description for your Storage Template

NOTE: Multiple Storage Templates can be added to different mount points. You only need to configure your RemoteStorage_ options by incrementing the last value in the configuration. Example:



And so on..

For multiple instances of SFTPStorageTemplates, you will have to specify ALL the fields. The - RemoteStorage_RebrandStorage.X=true - RemoteStorage_RemoteAddress.X=$self$ - RemoteStorage_Type.X=custom

fields have to be maintained with the same values

  1. Run your License Activator to apply your configurations

NOTE: Storage template configurations can ONLY be applied on an activated Zmanda Pro server instance. Hence if it's the first time you're configuring, you will need to run the License_Activator first. Then you may run the activator again to apply your custom configurations. It's important to note that the custom configurations will not be applied in the first run of the License_Activator


Uninstalling your Zmanda Pro Storagemanager Service

The installer script can be used to uninstall the storagemanager service.

./ uninstall storagemanager

However, this will not clear the logs from /var/log/zmandapro/storagemanager. If you're planning a cleanup of the Zmanda Pro Storagemanager generated files, you might want to clear the logs directory as well as the storagemanager binary from /opt/zmandapro/storagemanager

Last updated

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