Global Exclusion Policy for Linux and Windows Clients

Global Exclusion Policy allows you to selectively keep certain files and folders away from the backup process. Learn how to create and manage them with the Zmanda Management Console

This user guide explains to you how to use the Global Exclusion Policy for Linux and Windows workloads in Zmanda. Using this feature, you can centrally manage file/folder exclusion for Linux/Windows sources in Zmanda.

Creation of Global Exclusion Policy

  1. Log in to ZMC

  2. Select Policies on the left side navigation bar.

  3. Click on the ADD POLICY on the upper right corner of the page.

Global Exclusion Policies | Zmanda
Global Exclusion Policies

4. Fill in the Add Policy form as applicable and click on the SAVE button.

Add Policy form | Zmanda
Add Policy form

The newly created Global Exclusion Policy should be visible on the Policies page. You can choose to enable or disable the policy via the toggle from this page itself. The Enable/Disable toggle will determine whether the policy should be enforced immediately after creation.

Allowing Users to create/delete/modify Global Policy Access

The admin will have access to create a new Global Exclusion Policy, including the global policy read/write access privileges.

Custom Roles-Policy | Zmanda
Custom Roles-Policy

Based on the policy, the admin can create a custom user role that can have any of the View, Viewall, Create, Update, and Delete privileges. The role can then be assigned to specific users to give them privileges.

Custom Roles-Roles | Zmanda
Custom Roles-Roles
Users | Zmanda

Source-level control of Global Exclusion Policy

To enable/disable the Global Exclusion policy on existing/new sources, you just need to toggle by the button as shown below.

Note: The specific Global Exclusion Policy needs to be enabled on the Policies page for this source-level control to take effect.

Global Exclusion Policy at Source level | Zmanda
Global Exclusion Policy at Source level

You can view the list of paths present on a policy by enabling the Global Exclusion Policy toggle.


Exclude Paths at Restore Level: The creation and enforcement of Global Exclusion Policies will not affect the existing backups in any way. Once a policy is enabled, it will subsequently exclude the specific files/folders from being backed up. This exclusion is irrespective of whether the same files/folders were previously backed up or not. You will need to be aware of when the Global Exclusion Policy was enforced to keep track of the backed-up data.

For example, if the path C:/Users was excluded from backup post the enablement of a Global Exclusion Policy, Zmanda will not back up this path going further. However, any previous backups of the same path will remain unaffected.

Last updated

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