Linux Binary Installation
We recommend this installation option for advanced Linux users. It is intended for Linux-heavy centers, black sites, & air-gapped networks. The extensive CLI commands give you flexibility.
If you already have one backup server and Zmanda Management Console configured and are wanting to build another backup server for clustering purposes, you may skip the installation steps pertaining to the ZMC and only need to download and install the binaries for the Zmanda Backup Server.
Installation Steps
Step 1: Preparing the Linux system for Zmanda Installation
1.1 Update the target Linux system by running one of the following commands, based on the Linux distribution.
For RPM-based systems, use dnf or yum:
For Debian-based systems.
1.2.1 Install the dependencies required by Zmanda by running one of the two commands shown below, based on the Linux distribution (yum for RPM and apt-get for Debian)
For RPM-based systems, use dnf or yum:
For Debian-based systems:
wget to aid file download via CDN links
xinetd to manage internet-based connectivity
samba, samba-common, and samba- client for CIFS backups
mt-st, mt, & mtx for tape storage
mlocate is a useful tool for finding specific files
bind-utils for DNS utilities (might be missing on some distributions)
libnsl nsi libary (might be missing on some distributions)
1.2.2 OPTIONALLY Install the dependencies needed to back up VMware Sources. For more information, see this article.
1.3 Depending on the Linux distribution, SELinux may come pre-enabled. For installations or reboots, if your system has SELinux enabled and set to enforcing mode, please change it to Permissive mode.
Check the SELinux mode by running getenforce command.
If the mode is set to Enforcing, execute the following commands to change it to Permissive mode:
Step 2: Zmanda Installation:
2.1 Login to from a browser of your choice and select Download from the left side navigation bar. If you don't already have an account, Register Here.
2.2 Navigate to the Backup Server label in the Enterprise Server section and select your Linux distribution from the dropdown. The corresponding backup server and ZMC binaries will appear to the right of the drop-down once you select a distribution. You need to download both binaries.
2.3 A wget of the CDN link can be used to download the Zmanda installation binaries onto your target Linux system. Find the CDN links by clicking on the download icons for both the backup server and ZMC (shown above) and then by navigating to the downloads page in your browser where you can copy the link address and paste it into your SSH terminal. For most browsers, Ctrl-J will take you to the downloads page.
2.4 Make both files executable by running the following commands.
2.5 Install Zmanda by first executing the backup server binaries, and then by executing the ZMC binaries as shown below. The order is important. Both installations will give you a few simple prompts, so be sure to answer those when they appear. You may run into a few more missing libraries during the installation of these binaries, depending on your Linux system. Please install the necessary libraries and retry the installer.
2.6 Verify the Zmanda installation and Apply Patches
Enter the command setup-aee to verify that all the backup server packages are installed and all the units are running.
Enter the command setup-zmc to verify that all the zmc packages are installed and all the units are running.
Note: For both commands, you may see the text install-disabled tools: <list of packages>. The absence of these packages need not halt your installation - they may be installed later and are used for specific use cases. As long as you see that all the packages are installed and units are running, you will be ready to move on to the next step.
Setting the Unsealed parameter shown above to "true" is essential. If it is set to "false", run the following command, then run setup-zmc again to ensure that the vault is unsealed.
Please keep a safe copy of the unseal keys, as losing them will make Zmanda unusable. Refer here for more information on how to create a secure copy of unseal keys and unseal the key vault.
Go to and download any patches that are available (see below). Untar them and find and execute the patch executable.
For assistance or questions, please email [email protected]
2.7 Set the password that you will use to login to the web-based Zmanda Management Console
Enter the following command. Enter admin as the username and enter a secure password. Please note the length and complexity requirements.
**2.8 Zmanda requires specific ports to be open (**see below). For more information, and for commands to configure firewall rules, please see this KB Article.
Run the following command to open these ports. (ufw may not be installed depending on the Linux distribution. If not, see the next steps below)
If your system does not have ufw installed (i.e. RHEL where adding UFW and EPEL is not an option), follow the instructions below. Execute the first command to see if the firewall is running. If the firewall is not running, you can skip the other two commands.
Step 3: Zmanda License Installation and Server Configuration:
3.1 Note the MAC address and ip-address of the server
Execute "ip addr" command from the shell of the Linux server and note down the mac address and IP address. See the picture below. The red box shows where you can find the mac address and the blue box shows where you can find the IP address.
3.2 Download the license from
Enter the MAC address you noted down above and a server name. The server name is not validated and is for your convenience only. Click SUBMIT.
Upon clicking submit, you will be prompted to copy the One Time PassKey which will be valid for 30 minutes. You should copy this key and paste it into a text editor or other safe place. You will need it when you upload the license to the ZMC. Once copied/saved, select CLICK TO BEGIN DOWNLOAD
With the license file downloaded, please ensure the file name is zmanda_license with no other text appended.
If you do not see the One Time PassKey box as shown above, you are either downloading a trial license, or a license for a previous version of Zmanda. If the version looks correct and you are expecting a Production License, please email [email protected]
If you are expecting a Trial License, you may still see the pop-up, so proceed to copy the key.
3.3 Install license in Zmanda Management Console
From a browser of your choice, enter http://<server-ip-address>:8008. Enter the credentials to log in. The username will be admin, and the password will be the password that you reset during the installation steps above.
Go to Settings -> Licenses and click Upload File. Select the license file, enter the passkey that you copied, and click Upload.
Make sure to check the I have a free Trial License box if you were NOT given a PassKey as shown in step 3.2.
3.4 Configure the backup server in ZMC
Go to Settings -> Cluster page.
Click Add Server and enter the server name, server region, IP address, and port.
Enter a backup server name and region. Again, these are for your reference purposes only.
Enter the IP of the backup server, in this case, it is the IP address of the same system, noted down from ip addr command.
The default port is 8002.
Click save to complete the addition of the backup server.
Congratulations! By following these steps, you have successfully performed a binary-based installation of Zmanda and logged in for the first time. You will now be able to go through a guided tour of the console and take the next steps to protect your valuable data.
Last updated
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