A guide on how to add Linux Servers and Desktops as Sources within the Zmanda Management Console.
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A guide on how to add Linux Servers and Desktops as Sources within the Zmanda Management Console.
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An agent is required before you can add these systems as sources. Please see these pages on how to Install Linux Agents and link them to a backup server.
Before adding sources, it is best to create the Backup Set that you wish to link the sources to. You can, however, add a source at any time and link it to as many Backup Sets as you want.
This page covers Linux Filesystems. Stay tuned for articles on how to add other sources to be backed up within the ZMC.
Click on Sources in the left navigation panel.
Click Add Source in the top right corner of the screen.
Select Filesystem.
Note: A configuration pop-out will appear. By default, the advanced menu options will be displayed. In this guide, we will only cover essential configurations. Please see this page for more detail on the function of each of the fields. If you choose, you can collapse the advanced menu by de-selecting Advanced at the lower left of the menu.
The process to add a Linux Filesystem is nearly identical to that of adding a Windows Filesystem. Here are the steps:
Type - Select Linux.
Hostname - Enter the IP address of the source where you have already installed the agent.
Directory Path - Enter the path of the directory you wish to back up in Linux's format (forward slashes). For example, enter / to back up the entire filesystem, or enter /home/ to back up the home directory.
Note: Just like with Windows, there are two strategies to add granularity to your backups: First, you may create new sources using the same IP address and specify a different directory path each time. Or, you can use the Exclude Paths field, which is covered in Step 5 of this section.
Data Deduplication, Encryption Strategy, and Compression Strategy - These features will be covered in a separate article. For now, we will leave them in their default states.
Exclude Paths - This is an optional field where you can enter any directories that you wish to exclude from your backup, with each entry on a new line. For example, if you wish to backup the entire filesystem, but do not wish to backup the var directory, you can enter /var/ on this line. You can also exclude more granular directories, for example, /home/<username>.
Global Exclude Paths - Selecting this option enables the exclusion of paths specified in the Policies tab in the left Zmanda navigation window.
Comments - An optional field.
Backup Sets - This is where you will specify the unique Backup Set(s) that you wish to link this source to. You MUST link the source to a backup set in order for the data to be backed up. If you do not have a backup set to link the source to, please see this page. You may also link a source to more than one backup set, and the data will be backed up to the storage and on the schedule specified by each set.
Save - Click the SAVE button on the bottom right of the configuration window.
Once you have added your Linux Filesystem, you can click on the blue circular arrows to the right of each source entry. This performs a check to make sure that the ZMC can successfully connect with the agents installed on either system. If you have done everything correctly, you will see green checks along with OS information next to the sources that you have added, and you are now ready to start backing up your data!
If you see an error after performing the check host operation, please follow these steps to troubleshoot:
Make sure that the agent is properly linked to the backup server that you are using (see the same pages as above if not).
If you still have issues, please contact Zmanda support team at [email protected]