Cloud-Based Trial Environment

The all-new cloud-based trial environment allows you to explore Zmanda’s capabilities in a sandbox environment. Learn to sign up for a free cloud-based trial environment with this guide.

The free cloud-based trial environment allows you to navigate Zmanda’s intuitive interface, gain valuable insights, and unlock its numerous advantages. This trial environment will help you with Zmanda’s demonstration without installing and setting it up in your environment.

The below steps will help you sign up for a cloud-based trial environment.

Step 1: Open Zmanda’s free trial form in the browser of your choice.

Step 2: Fill out the free trial form once the page is loaded.

Step 3: Click Submit to submit your trial request.

Step 4: Once the trial is approved and the cloud environment is configured, an email with access credentials will be sent. You can use this to access the cloud-based environment on your system.

Step 5: You can open the URL in the browser and add the credentials from the email.

Step 6: Once you log in to the cloud-based trial environment, you can explore the user interface.

The backup sets will be configured for you with dummy data. You can test and try out the backup and restore process with the preconfigured source.

Now, you are all set up to explore Zmanda through a cloud-based trial environment for the next 14 days. You can explore all the sections in the provided user interface and make the most of Zmanda.

Last updated