Azure Marketplace Installation

How to deploy Zmanda on Azure Cloud - Quick and Simple, and ideal for when your workloads are hosted on Azure Cloud Infrastructure.

Building Zmanda on the Azure Cloud Infrastructure enables you to deploy a backup server in any geography in minutes. It is also ideal if your workloads are hosted on Azure Cloud Infrastructure, or if you are using Azure Blob storage as a target. Let's get started:


  1. Log in to the Azure console using your credentials.

  2. Search for Virtual Machines in the search bar. Click on the Create dropdown in the top left, and then Azure Virtual Machine

  1. Provide a name, and select a subscription and resource group for the VM to be created along with the region and availability zone desired

  1. Below the Image field, select See all images, which will direct you to the Azure Marketplace

  1. Search for Zmanda in the search bar and press enter to see the results as shown below. Click on Select beneath the Zmanda Enterprise Backup Server.

  1. After clicking select, you will see the below fields. The recommended Size is Standard_B2s(2vcpus and 4GiB memory). You may also choose the authentication type as required and click next. These will be the username and password for the Linux user. Click Next: Disks >

  1. Here you can choose the OS disk type and specify the size of your data disk. The recommended size is 100 GB, but you can alter it according to your needs. Configure the other fields as desired (or leave them as default)

  1. OPTIONAL: If you choose, you may go on to edit configurations in the Networking, Management, Monitoring, etc., tabs

  2. Click on Review + create

  3. Once the VM is created, go to the Networking tab under the VM settings as shown below and make sure that inbound traffic is allowed on ports 8002 and 8008, as well as ssh port 80.

Note: Ports 10080 and 10081 must be enabled on the client machine in order to connect to the Backup server for performing backup and restore.

  1. After verifying the port rules, click on the Connect tab in the left Settings bar and follow the instructions to log in using SSH. The credentials to log in will be those you entered in step 6.

  2. Reset the Zmanda Management Console (ZMC) admin user password by running the below command. Please note the password length and complexity requirements. When prompted for the username, type admin.

    sudo /opt/zmanda/amanda/bin/reset-admin-password
    length should be at least 8
    Password should have at least one numeral
    Password should have at least one uppercase letter
    Password should have at least one of the symbols $,@,#,%,^,&,*,~
  1. After setting a password, enter the following commands to ensure that the Zmanda services are running

setup-aee //checks if the Backup Server services are running
setup-zmc //checks if the UI services are running
  1. Run the following command to unseal the vault

sudo setup-zmc unseal

Unsealing the vault is an important step. Make sure that if you reboot the server you check if the vault is unsealed using the commands in the previous two steps.

  1. Go to and download any patches that are available. Untar them and find and execute the patch executable.

    For assistance or questions, please email [email protected]

  2. You can now log in to the ZMC console by opening any browser in your internal network and typing the following in the address bar:

https://< VM IP>:8008

Depending on how you configured the network, the IP may be public or private. You can find both in the Overview tab (directly below the search bar) for the VM.

The User Name and Password to log onto the console will be the same as what you entered in Step 12

  1. After logging on, you are now ready to download the license file from and upload it to the console

Congratulations! You are now ready to add sources, configure storage, and start running backups.

Last updated